Sunday, February 22, 2015

Wonderful Winter Day

Winter. It's Canada. It's cold.  Really cold. We've been in a deep freeze for a few weeks here while friends and family in the Eastern Provinces have been dealing with mega snow storms. I don't know, sometimes I'd take the snow over the -30 temperatures.

We finally got a reprieve from the brutally cold temperatures this weekend and it obviously helped everyone's moods around here.

I'm sure any parent will relate to what I'm about to describe.  There are some days you are really proud of your parenting skills, other days not so much.  Some days there is too much yelling, too much "You're not getting the iPad for a week!", too much "fine then, no dessert!".  Lately there has been a lot of that in our household.  Life has been busy, we've been on the run, and then there is the cold weather. We're all getting on each others nerves.  So the warmer temperatures and the fact that there was no where to be, nothing that needed to get done (my laundry and dirty floors would tell a different story), our spirits seemed to be lifted on Saturday.  There was no yelling, I let the kids and house stay messy, we picked out movies at the library and had a movie night, letting the kids stay up way later than they should. We played outside, we baked.  It was wonderful.

There was a light fluffy snow all day, something I just couldn't capture on my camera.
I think even Rusty is ready for Winter to be over.  He's really showing his age lately.

We are ready to kiss Winter good-bye!


And of course with a Winter day comes comfort foods.  The kids and I baked banana bread, had chilli in the slow cooker all day and made some "Apple Juice Can" Bread.  And after supper to "lighten" things up we had fruit salad.  First time using the beautiful bowls that we received at Christmas. They were hand made by a wonderful lady we are so blessed to have in our lives now. 

I wish everyday could be like this.  On Sunday, we were snapped back to reality.  Dustin was fussy, I think he's fighting a cold, Emma was over tired and cranky, I was trying to get some things done around the house (like put my Christmas decorations away...groan) and the line to the water bowl for the cows froze so Dean spent all afternoon and early evening dealing with that. Oh well, at least we had a chance to recharge and reconnect one day this weekend.

Wishing everyone a safe, happy and healthy week!  XO

~ Elizabeth

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