Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Kid's Birthday Gifts

Sorry for the absence lately.  There are just not enough hours in the day...this is a blog post I started awhile ago.  And I haven't done a post in almost two weeks-I've got to get something up on the blog.

Emma was recently invited to a birthday party for one of her friends.  I'm not that great at buying kid's gifts which is ridiculous since I have two children of my own.  It's hard to know what kids are into, it changes so frequently.  And as a parent, you know how many toys your own children have you really need to add to the growing pile of toys at someone's house?  Don't get me wrong, I'm so grateful for all the gifts my children have received, they love receiving a new toy and why shouldn't they.  It's their day. 

Anyway, so for this birthday party I decided to do a "movie" night theme.  It included a fleecy blanket, a bowl and cup, some snacks and a gift certificate to rent some movies.  I would love this for Emma-what a way to spend a Friday night. 

What's your favorite children's birthday gift?


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